Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TruTh Is TruLy BiTTeR!!!

Reachin heights doin nothin.Lifestyle is changin. They want to travel in flight, drive on a flyover or drink beer.. And they think tat this proves their so called standard of living. But I would call this INSANITY. Always livin to impress others or creatin a false impression for nothin. Everyone tryin and struggling to prove wat they are not with the thoughts tat their actual self aint worth for gaining others love and affection.

Where is this journey of life taking us?
To all the places wer v neva wanna be.

what are the things that we are doin?
All those things that we never wanna do.

Are we winnin or losin?
Winnin in every-way and losin always.

Are v livin life the right way?
Always fighting within (soul searching)to satisfy the inner-self.Frustration arises due to lack of satisfaction.Every second trying to be happy. Making oneself believe that everythin is fine.Existence of EGO enhances BITTERNESS. A life truly filled with lies is what we are livin in. Always holdin on to everythin tat is not ours , holdin so tight just to show tat "Let go of everything... If it is yours.. It will come back to you"...

Wants are becoming needs. People cant let go of their desires .They are running everywer to fullfill them..

FriendSHIPs , RelationSHIPS all lost in the mist.Replacements for every SHIPS have been discovered.

Emotions lost... Values lost...

HUMANITY!!! Does it exist?

Just Ask Yourself "What Are You Tryin To Prove?"